the first time some 30 peacemakers from around the world will gather in Berlin
to discuss the role of civil society in the next year. Common to them is that
they come from conflict regions, belong to the most outstanding personalities
in their field and have proven to work successfully with their organizations on
the peace process in their country.
objective of the "
Global Peacebuilder
to strengthen these key actors in their commitment, to make their work better known
to the broad public, and to facilitate the networking between them.
> read more
MUT - "Magazin für Lösungen"
At the occasion of the Global Peacebuilders Summit we published a 56-page supplement on the work of civil society activists and organisations. The huge circulation of 500,000 copies was distributed by a network of media partners (major regional newspapers and media magazines). For us the magazine represents clearly our concept of constructive, solution oriented journalism.
> read more
Radioschool for peace journalists in Ivory Coast
Studio-Ecole Mozaik began training its first group of radio journalists from Ivory Coast in May 2014. Students learn the principles and techniques of professional journalism and are encouraged to practice their craft with passion and a positive vision for a pluralistic society. > read more
Peace Counts
Peace Counts works to draws attention to successful peace builders
around the world by producing articles, photographs, and radio and
television programs that feature their work. The various media products
are incorporated into traveling exhibitions that tour conflict regions
and Germany, always paired with workshops on peace education and
training for journalists. > read more